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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gym Good way

To form our bodies to be formed, with strong muscles, we can do some one way range belo.

Firt, We release before we start doing that move in this sports equipment. Due to the release of the body and muscles warm bodies we can gradually regularly. If the cace directly to the gym or directly with a heavy weight, then your muscles will ache, even hurt the muscle it self.

Second, do the hand movements in sports equipment as shown in the following weighing 10 pounds first, not directly to the level of a very heavy, so it should be gradual. Then moved laterally to the front ot the hand ora as strethed, it is advisable to point out labor.

Third, The movement on the back of the hand to the same 10 pounds heavier loads first, whwn it's used, it could raise 10 kg and so on.

The Third point is its function to the hand muscles, shoulders, chest and wings in order to form a beautiful.

If anyone want to add to the others way. I"m happy wait..

may be useful..


Stiker Jalingkut said...

mlm mas. wah mau nggedein badan'y mas heheh

Unknown said...

selamat pagi mas,
iya mas agar badanku gede dan berotot.. :D

AZLA said...

mantap sahabatku
kalau begini badan bisa besar yah
terima kasih asudah berbagi

Unknown said...

iya sahabatku agar badanku besar, tidak kecil.. :D

Olivia Mimin Trisnawati said...

Kalo seandainya aku rutin ke GYM, gak sexy, malah tambah krempeng.. :D

AZLA said...

yg jelas selain sehat pasti kuat ya sob..hehe
terima kasih sudah berbagi

Admin+ said...

wah segar bugar klo tiap hari bisa melakukan olahraga ini sobat,,,salam kenal :)

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